We love our patients — and we want them to love the care they receive!
Our goal is to make sure every one of our patients has a fantastic experience with our hearing care providers , and that each gets the results they really need. Whether it’s something as simple as a hearing consultation or as impactful as a full hearing aid fitting , making our patients happy is what we’re here for. See what they have to say about our practice!
Carl L. Epley
Dear Dr. Harrell:
When we get really old, we find that our doctors retire and leave us. Well, a couple of months back, I had to acquire a new “family doctor.” I received multiple different recommendations for him and this was the basis for choosing him. Turns out he is quite young! At our second meeting, I had been asked to bring a list of my doctors (glasses, eyes, prostate, heart, arthritis, teeth, and hearing). I thought I had a large number. I am 85. He questioned me about the tests and the results these doctors had given me. He could see I had hearing aids and when the audiologist’s name came up, Dr. Harrell, he immediately said that he had no questions on Dr. Harrell as he knew that I had been properly taken care of!
This was a shock to me as I had expected a bunch of questions of Dr. Harrell also. Then I realized I felt the same way about Dr. Harrell as a result of our personal interactions over the years. I was an engineer who designed sound systems and played the tuba in a couple of local bands over many years. Prior to finding Dr. Harrell, I had seen other audiologist.
As a result of Dr. Harrell’s treatments for me, I recommend him as a great doctor! My new doctor’s feelings for Dr. Harrell convinced me that I made a good choice of my new doctor.
Tony N.
I’ve been suffering with tinnitus for over two years. With the help of my PCP, I went through numerous diagnostic studies along with office visits to several specialists. Through the months since the onset I’ve tried everything from hypnosis to acupuncture with no relief from the excruciating noise inside my head. Several months ago I received a flyer from The Hearing Clinic announcing an addition to their staff (Dr. Merrifield, formerly Dr. Mason) specializing in treating tinnitus. This was exciting news for me and I couldn’t wait to make an appointment to discuss possible treatments for this horrific condition. I met with her twice, and although she didn’t have a miracle cure and wouldn’t offer false hope, she did listen and offer some very astute advice. She was able to present a better understanding of how to cope with tinnitus.
Dr. Merrifield helped me tremendously by listening and caring. It was exciting and refreshing to meet with someone that’s dedicating their professional life to treating and working toward a solution to tinnitus. She freely shared her knowledge and information, and helped me to explore several avenues to begin managing my tinnitus. There’s not a cure for this condition and I still have many very bad days, but there are good days too. Thanks to Dr. Merrifield, I treasure these days and have learned ‘not to go looking for the noise’ when the level has somewhat abated.
It was comforting to meet and to discuss my condition with a professional that understood how debilitating and life altering acute and chronic tinnitus can be. I would encourage anyone with tinnitus to meet with Dr. Merrifield as soon as possible. I also feel confident that if any additional treatment or other viable relief options become available, that Dr. Merrifield will again champion and share any information with me immediately.
Stuart, Blacksburg , Patient Since (2005)
From 2005 to 2009 Dr. Harrell took care of my 95 year old father while he lived with me in Blacksburg. You can not explain the level of service he and his staff delivered to my Dad. I now live in the Netherlands, and am in need of hearing aids. Rather than work with the relatively inexpensive services provided here, I prefer to make a trip to Blacksburg to consult with Richard. I believe he will tell me honestly everything I need to know, and what solution he believes would be best for me (not try to just sell me the most profitable hearing aids, which seems to be a more common practice, especially in Florida, my home state) If you need help with your hearing, he is absolutely the ‘GO TO’ guy!
Nora Fugate
Dr. Harrell, My new aids are more comfortable to wear. I love the Bluetooth feature of the streamer when using my cell phone. New aids give me a more natural sound so that I can sing with my chorus again. Aids are smaller so wearing glasses is more comfortable.
Nancy Eiss
Dear Dr. Harrell
I have some observations about my new Oticon hearing aids that I would like to share with you and your patients. Not only has the sound and quality of my hearing improved drastically, but I have also experienced an exciting change in my social life and state of mind. Before being fitted with the new aids I was hearing less and less in settings such as meetings, restaurants, the car, movies, plays, musical concerts and lectures. I was giving inappropriate responses to others during conversations and I could tell that it was irritating to others to have to repeat for me frequently. As a result, I was beginning to withdraw from these situations. I would sit through meals with friends saying almost nothing. I stopped going to certain events and social gatherings because of the frustration of not being able to hear and to interact. As I try out my new hearing aids in various venues, I am amazed at how much I was missing. Now I am able to take part in all of the activities from which I was withdrawing. I am so much happier and actually feel as though I have reconnected with the human race. Not only can I hear better..I can live better.
Thank you so much for helping to make this enormous change in my quality of life.
Margaret Stuart Black
Dear Dr. Harrell, No more…. ”Turn the TV up!” “You’re mumbling again.” “What did they say..?” “Why is the audience laughing??” “No, I don’t hear the birds singing” “Why does my grandchild speak so faintly?” When I finally realized how much I was missing, I saw you, Dr. Harrell. From the first moment I had my hearings aids, I have not removed them except to shower and sleep. I love them and am so grateful not to be missing all the sounds and conversations that I had been missing before. I find myself urging friends and family members to be tested if they have any hearing problems. Life I so much more enjoyable when I am not constantly straining to hear what is being said. Many thanks to Dr. Harrell.
She actually listened to me and helped me choose the right hearing aid for my hearing loss, lifestyle and budget and she was so patient with my questions. As a result, I can hear better than I have in years.
Showing empathy for the client and teaching me about my needs, Dr. Harrell has made the process of accepting hearing assistance as smooth and worry free as possible. Appointments are scheduled with buffer time and occur as scheduled. He explained that the most expensive aid is not always best for the individual situation. My intervention was tailored around my specific needs and follow up allowed for tweaking the effectiveness of my device.
D. Hrdlicka
Back in the early 1970’s I spent 3 years on a Navy flight line working on jets with what I now realize was insufficient hearing protection. In the late 1970’s I got a job running chainsaws for an organization that in the beginning did not offer hearing protection. After a couple of hearing evaluations I realized I had a “little” hearing loss. My last hearing test was this fall with Regina, when she told me I could use hearing aids. I asked when and she said now. I said one ear and she said two. Not things that I wanted to hear. But she worked with me, got me the type of aids I needed, and helped me to hear again. I knew I had a small hearing problem but I didn’t know how bad it was until she fitted me with my hearing instruments. I’m hearing things I haven’t heard in a long time and they sound strange. I don’t say “what” to my wife anymore when she’s talking to me and the TV volume is a few octaves lower. I now hear my cell phone in stereo through the Bluetooth and that is just an added bonus. Thanks Regina.
Charlotte Wagner
After going to Dr. Harrell and having a hearing test, I knew that I needed hearing aids. Dr. Harrell demonstrated the various hearing aids to me. Then, Dr. Harrell took my hearing test results and programmed it to fit my hearing needs. My hearing aids have opened up an entire new world to me. I can hear many things that I had not heard in a long time. My experience with The Hearing Clinic has been very rewarding in my life.
Thank you Dr. Harrell,
Billie Jean Beamer Hill, Blacksburg
Since I have only 30-50% of my natural hearing, being able to hear means I wear hearing aids 24/7. I wear my newer hearing aids during the day and one of the older ones at night. When I lived in Stuart, Audiology Hearing Aid Associates in Danville took care of my hearing needs. After I moved to Christiansburg, I wanted a hearing specialist closer to my home, so the Danville office suggested I see Dr. Harrell at The Hearing Clinic in Blacksburg. When I met with Dr. Harrell, he had become familiar with my records sent from Danville and he even knew my mother who was a volunteer at the hospital when he worked at Galax. With improved technology and Dr. Harrell’s expertise, he fitted me with a pair of new Phonak hearing aids. He even introduced me to a device that helps me hear better when riding in a car, or listening to a speaker, or watching television. I have been able to hear really well with my new hearing aids without any feedback (whistling), they adjust to the noise level automatically. I do not have to push any buttons to adjust them. I couldn’t be happier!
If you are having problems hearing, I would suggest you make an appointment with The Hearing Clinic in Blacksburg, Virginia and see Dr. Richard Harrell or one of his associates.
Lori & Harold Mick, Blacksburg
On August 26, 2015, I left Dr. Richard Harrell's Hearing Clinic with my 91 year old husband, who had just been fitted with high-tech, high-tier hearing aids. I suggested that to test his new equipment, we drive to Eggleston to eat at our favorite restaurant, the Palisades; a busy, noisy upscale eatery. On previous visits Harold had difficulty hearing the waiter describe the entrees and more importantly he was unable to hear my weak voice. But on this visit we were in for a pleasant surprise. Harold heard the waiter's description of the "chef's whims" easily. The sound of the restaurant were not distorted and unnaturally loud as Harold thought they would be, but he heard distinctive sounds, such as dishes banging, people talking, and our table conversation was perfectly normal. In short he heard "naturally." I think these hearing aids are "totally awesome."
R. R., Pilot, VA
After suffering many years with diminished hearing, I am feeling truly blessed because now I can hear what I’ve been missing! I am able to once again enjoy social gatherings and family outings. My new hearing aids are almost invisible – no one knows I’m wearing them because they blend in so well. I am grateful to Regina for working with me on my hearing test, explaining the type of hearing loss I was experiencing, and working on providing the best hearing aid for me. Without hesitation, I would recommend The Hearing Center to anyone experiencing a hearing loss. The entire staff are so nice and helpful. I really, really enjoy hearing well again.